The name of the club shall be the WIGAN CHESS CLUB


The aim of the club shall be to encourage and promote Chess in Wigan and its surrounding areas. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as “EC”) to produce to its members and every AGM such development plans as agreed by the EC to pursue the stated aim.


3.1. The club shall offer the following types of membership:

a) Honorary Membership

b) Standard Membership

c) Guest Membership

d) Corporate Membership

3.2. Honorary Membership shall be made available to individuals, schools or corporate bodies as and when the EC deems appropriate

3.3. All individuals shall be given free Standard Membership up until the 1st June 2024. After which Individuals shall be eligible for Standard membership at the discretion of the EC. Any individual seeking to join shall pay an annual membership fee (relevant at the time) to Wigan Chess Club

3.3.1. Individuals who wish to play in Club Competitions, League Matches or County Championships are required to become a Bronze member of the English Chess Federation (“ECF”)

3.3.2. Individuals who wish to play in Congresses (Not FIDE Rated) are required to become a Silver members of the English Chess Federation (“ECF”)

(a) Presently the ECF provides free Silver Junior Membership to all juniors and students for the first year and this will be applied for by the Club Secretary

ECF Changed criteria in September 2024

3.3.3. Individuals who wish to play in Congresses or FIDE Rated events are required to become a Gold member of the English Chess Federation (“ECF”)

ECF Changed criteria in September 2024

3.4. An individual will be considered as a Guest member of the club during his first month at the club after which they will be required to apply for standard membership, unless otherwise approved by the committee.

3.5. Corporate membership shall be available to other organisations, companies or schools, at the discretion of the EC and at a membership rate decided by the EC at the relevant time


4.1. The annual subscriptions for the following season shall be decided at the Clubs AGM and shall be due and payable by 1st August prior to the season start.

4.2. It is the responsibility of individual members to ensure that they have the appropriate level of membership of the English Chess Federation before playing in matches

4.3. It is a requirement of membership that all individuals agree to indemnify Wigan Chess Club for any fees charged to the club, by the ECF, in respect to that individual member.


5.1. The business of the club shall be managed by elected officers who shall be known as the Executive Committee.

5.2. Executive Committee. The EC is made up of the President, Secretary, Treasurer Junior Representative in addition to a maximum of five other co-opted members who shall primarily be made up of team captains.

5.2.1 The President shall:

(a) Serve as presiding officer at all meetings

(b) Oversee all activities of the club

(c) Conduct all meetings in a prompt and professional manner

(d) Be an official signatory on any Bank Accounts held by the club

(e) Decide the formation of sub-committees to deliver on the objectives and principles of the club. These will need approval from the committee

5.2.2 The Secretary shall:.

(a) Be in overall charge of all communications for the club

(b) Be in charge of membership applications

(c) Be in charge of the membership list

(d) Preside over meetings in the absence of the President

(e) In charge of the fixture list and calendar of the club

(f) Produce minutes of the Committee & AGM meetings

(g) The Secretary shall also act as the Public Relations and Development Officer a role which incorporates the club Website and Social Media and also to create relationships within the Community and Schools.

5.2.3 The Treasurer shall:

(a) Be in charge of the financial affairs of the club and safeguard is assets and future operation

(b) Be an official signatory on any bank accounts held by the club

(c) Be in charge of Membership fee collection

(d) Preside over meetings of the committee in the absence of the President and Secretary

(e) Any financial expenditure must go through the treasurer and, if above £50, be approved by the committee

(f) Must produce financial reports and cash flow projection for the Committee & AGM

5.2.4 The Junior Representative shall hold a position on the EC so as to provide a view, on the running of the club, from a junior perspective.

5.2.5 Co-Opted members. There shall be a maximum of five co-opted members, taken primarily from team captains, who shall assist the EC as and when required.

5.2.6 The initial President, Secretary and Treasurer, whose positions were allocated in January 2024, shall remain in post for a minimum of 12 months whereupon, at the 2025 AGM, the positions will be subject to re-election by the club membership.

5.2.7 Prior to the 2025 AGM the Secretary shall make available more detailed role descriptions and circulate them within the club



6.1.1.The AGM will normally be held on a suitable date between April - August of each year, and shall be fixed at the AGM prior, or in default thereof, by the Club Secretary for a date on no less than 1 month notice to the club membership. The only persons allowed to vote at an AGM shall be registered members of the club. A quorum shall consist of five persons including committee members

6.1.2. The business of the AGM shall be:

(i) to approve the prior minutes of the Clubs AGM;

(ii) to receive and record the usual reports of the EC in respect to the season;

a) Presidents Report

b) Secretary Report

c) Treasurer Report

d) Club Captains Report(s)

(iii) to make such administrative preparations as are reasonably required for the following season, including the appointment of officers and (if so desired) an auditor;

(iv) to consider any proposals for which any required notice has been duly given and circulated – which includes the election of officers;

(v) to consider (at the discretion of the chair of the meeting) any other business raised at the meeting

6.1.3. An agenda for the AGM shall be circulated by the Club Secretary to the club membership no later than 1 week prior to the date of the AGM.

6.1.4. The following voting rights shall apply at all meetings, AGMs or EGMs:

a) Honorary Member – One Vote

b) Standard Member – One Vote

c) Guest Member – Unable to Vote

d) Corporate Member – As per the EC at the relevant time.

6.1.5. The election of Officers shall be dealt with on the following basis:

a) Prior to the AGM Incumbent officers will be invited to confirm whether they wish to stand for a further annual period.

b) If the incumbent officer wishes to stand

a. If Unopposed the Incumbent officer shall re-elected until the next AGM

b. If Opposed a ballot shall take place, in respect of interested members where the successful candidate will need to attain the support of more than 50% of the membership

i. In round 1, of voting, if no one has secured the requisite 50% of the vote, then the candidate with the lowest vote is removed from the ballot

ii. The same will apply in round 2 of voting, and subsequent rounds, until a successful candidate achieves 50% of the vote.

iii. The successful candidate will then be considered elected until the next AGM

6.1.6. In respect to general business a simple majority of votes will be sufficient

6.1.7. Changes to the constitution can only be achieved with a minimum of 75% of the vote.


6.2.1. An EGM shall only consider proposals relating to the business for which the meeting is called. The Club Secretary shall call an EGM of the club within six weeks of:

(i) A request of the EC

(ii) A request signed by at least ten members of the club.

6.2.2. The call of the EGM shall be effected by the giving of at least 21 days notice of such a meeting and shall be sent to all members of the club.


7.1. The purpose of Club Nights is to actively encourage and promote the game of chess in a friendly and competitive environment.

As a club we aim to provide something for everyone but, at the same time, members need to appreciate that we must be seen to be establishing training needs and to provide such training where it is needed.

To do this we will rely on the following:

a) FIDE Rating List

b) ECF Rating List (Standard & Rapidplay)

c) Our own “Internal” Rating List or League Ladder.

7.2. On club nights the EC will run such events as it deems appropriate

7.3 The EC will enter the club into league competition, as and when necessary, and shall appoint members of the club to represent Wigan Chess Club in that league.

7.4 The EC will also arrange for Friendly Matches to take place, on an ad-hoc basis, and shall appoint members of the club (or new unregistered members) to represent Wigan Chess Club in that match.


8.1. The EC shall circulate, from time to time, a set of behaviours that it expects from all members of the club so as to ensure pleasant surroundings for all who wish to be part of Wigan Chess Club.

8.2 Continued membership of the club is considered as an automatic acceptance of these rules.

8.3 If any member has a grievance the issue should be reported (in writing or by email) to the Club Secretary within 7 days of the event. The grievance should detail:

a) When and where the issue took place

b) Who was involved

c) A full description as to what took place

8.4 Upon a grievance being registered the EC will carry out informal, and discreet, investigations as to what took place. The EC shall have all powers at its disposal ranging from a friendly warning to dismissal from the club.

8.5 In all instances any member has the right of appeal directly to the club President whose decision shall be final.


9.1. The dissolution of the club can only be achieved following an EGM from which a minimum of 80% of those attending vote for the dissolution of the club.

9.2. Upon the club being dissolved the Treasurer shall pay all liabilities due

9.3. The Assets of the club, financial and equipment, shall then be distributed by the EC in a manner to assist the progression of chess within the local area. This may include donating equipment to other clubs.


10.1. Should any matter arise, which is not covered by the constitution, then the EC has full powers to act in a manner in which they deem appropriate for the successful running of the club.


11.1. Within this document the word “he” “his” or “him” refers to a singular person and also refers, when appropriate, to “she” “hers” “her” “they” or “them”.